WARNING: Counterfeit Li Hing Mui Products (*Updated Dec. 28, 2022)
Warning, we have been notified about falsely advertised counterfeit Li Hing Mui Bags are being sold on Amazon. The Amazon posting for Jade Extra Large Sweet Li Hing Mui 4.5oz being sold by Horizon Peak Deals is falsely pictured and advertising our Jade Extra Large Sweet Li Hing Mui 4.5oz green bags to sell their own counterfeit products. Please note that Jade has not produced Li Hing Mui for almost two years in the green bags pictured on Amazon. If you see an Amazon seller selling these items, they are counterfeited or long expired. To confirm this, we, Jade Food Products, Inc. made a test purchase from this seller on Amazon and received the following fake Jade item. WARNING: THIS ITEM IS NOT A JADE LABELED PRODUCT! IT IS A FAKE COUNTERFEIT LABEL IN ATTEMPT TO BAIT AND SWITCH SCAM OUR CUSTOMERS! If you have received this item, please report it to us using our "contact us" form along with the name of the third-party seller you purchased it from and a link to the listing. Please return the item as false advertised items to Amazon. Jade will not be held liable for any harm that these fake items may cause if consumed.
Fake Item Sold by Horizon Peak Deals on Amazon

Jade Food Products, Inc. does not authorize the sale or resale of our items by a third-party seller on sites like eBay.com and Amazon.com. We have recently been notified of several unauthorized third-party sellers on eBay and Amazon who has been selling counterfeit or expired Li Hing Mui Products. These products commonly have their expiration dates removed, restamped, or stickered over and sold at very high prices. Please note that Jade Food Products, Inc. has not manufactured and sold Sweet Li Hing Mui (Red) and Sweet Li Hing Mui (White) for individual resale in Green Jade Bags or Jade Jars for more than one (1) year. This is due to a shortage of FDA approved plums needed to make our products. If you purchased Li Hing Mui products sold in green Jade bags, jars, or one of the following counterfeited labeled items on a website, eBay, or Amazon, please report the seller immediately and return the counterfeit items. The following products are included in this warning.
Products of Warning:
Sweet Li Hing Mui Red 1oz Green Bag
Sweet Li Hing Mui Red 4.5oz Green Bag
Sweet Li Hing Mui Red 4.5oz Green Bag
Sweet Li Hing Mui White 1.25oz Green Bag
Sweet Li Hing Mui White 4.5oz Green Bag
*Sweet Li Hing Mui 4.5oz Clear Bag (Fake Label)
Sweet Li Hing Mui White 5oz Green Bag
Sweet Li Hing Mui White Jars (All Sizes)
Sweet Li Hing Mui White 5oz Green Bag
Sweet Li Hing Mui White Jars (All Sizes)
*Locations Reported Selling Items: (Updated: September 30, 2022)
*Indicators of Counterfeit Label Product (updated Sept. 30, 2022)
- Label is not glossy
- Label does not have Expiration Date
- Label does not have yellow holographic flowers
- Label does not have gold foil trims
- Label should be borderless with gold trim on edge
*The following counterfeit items was reported to Jade
Purchased on Amazon from Horizon Peak Deals and Best Deal Plus

Sample of Authentic Jade Labels for Li Hing Mui
Safe Products Sold Recently (Month of April 2022): (Only from www.jadefood.com)
Sweet Li Hing Mui White 5oz Clear Bag With Authentic Label
Premium Seedless Li Hing 2oz Clear Bag With Authentic Label
Premium Seedless Li Hing 2oz Clear Bag With Authentic Label